Kitten Shit: Divining Through Faeces


The Good, the Bad, and the Bloody: What Colitis Poop Means for You

26 July 2021

The Little Oracles continue to grow; they’re nearly ready to be whisked away to their new kingdoms and loyal subjects. I have yet to divine where they will go—their futures are still being determined—but I am optimistic that the Great Spirits will guide their bumbly paths. This week of growth and play has been particularly trying for sweet Petunia: she has come down with a bad case of the runs. What started out as mere diarrhea has turned into a case of coccidia and colitis.

Peter Griffin Wiping Butt Gif

For those who are new to divining kitten feces, coccidia is a particularly nasty parasite. According to our Holy TextTiny But Mighty, coccidia is indicated by foul-smelling, mucous-y stool that, if left untreated, can be fatal to a Little Oracle. Our Most High Queen writes that there are a number of remedies for coccidia: tinctures, potions. My favorites have been Marquis Paste (or, as the plebians call it, "Ponazuril") and Metronidazole--the latter being a powerful concoction that usually dries up leaky bums in a matter of days. As for colitis, a powerful white witch has told me that diarrhea is the source of the inflammaation and subsequent bloody stool. Stop the runs, and you can usually stop the bleeding. Be warned, of course, that a bleeding Little Oracle needs medical treatment, but bloody faeces may not automatically be life-threatening.

While plump Petunia hasn’t let this illness slow her down (and Metronidazole has aided her recovery), the change in her litter box is cause for reflection and deep meditation. What is her shit—in changing from little logs to puddles of gooey chocolate pudding to blobs of strawberry jam—saying to us?

Before I begin this reading, I call upon the spirits of the Ancient Egyptians—some of the oldest, most arcane worshippers of felines. I call upon Bastet, goddess of protection and pleasure, and the bringer of good health. And finally, I entreat our reigning Queen, Kitten Lady, for her deep wells of wisdom. Through energy work by proxy, I summon the vibrations around me and channel them to you. I pray for your Highest Good—for perfect peace, understanding, restoration, and intuition. While this reading is dated, I pray that it will remain timeless as the Spirits of the Old and New Gods continue to use it to speak truth into your life.

The Great Spirits I have called upon tell me that these three litterboxes are what you need to see today. Please scroll down for your reading.

Clear Litter Box with Poop in the Left Corner and an Opening in the Center
Mostly Clean Litter Box with Bloody, Mucousy Poop in Right Corner
Litter Box with Piles of Poop on the Bottom Outside and Bottom Inside
Photo Credit:Madame Felis

For your three litter cards, you have the Two of Panned, the Jam Poop, and the Four of Turds. The Two of Panned is about your energy, relationships, responsibilities. As you can see, there is a visible (“panned”) opening in the center of the litter, and because it is a clear box, we can see straight through to the floor. This tells me that you are juggling a lot right now. You may be dealing with a new relationship or a new job, maybe you’re in a season of cramming or extra shifts. But whatever you are going through right now, you are tired and spread thin. You’re picking up the slack for others, but you are reaching your limits. The good news about this image is that you know you have neared your limits; you can clearly see them. And knowing your limits is what is going to help you get out of this rut. The Little Oracle’s paws symbolize hope and promise that this phase will pass. But you have to use your voice and support network to lighten your load.

The Jam Poop in the middle is a mucous-y red flag. While the litter looks perfect and organized—like the façade you are putting on—the Jam Poop tells us that all is not well. In fact, you are in grave danger. This does not necessarily symbolize death; however, it is a warning. Paired with the other two cards, it’s possible that the Great Sprits are telling you that this time of running on fumes is coming to an end; you need rest. If you have been staying up late, try going to bed earlier. Exercise to let off steam, nap when you’re tired. And that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off? Go get checked out. Now is the time to take your wellbeing seriously. At the same time, the blood is a reminder of birth and change. You have the opportunity to change, to take better care of yourself, and to continue reaching higher vibrations.

Finally, the Four of Turds on the right tells me that there is an imbalance in your life. Like the turds are all deposited near the bottom of the litter box, you too are a bit bottom-heavy in life. You need to shift into a more balanced frame of mind. It might also be worth doing work with crystals, focusing on the alignment of your Root and Sacral chakras and ensuring that your Crow chakra is energized but not overaactive.

In this season of chaos and exhaustion, make time for yourself. Check in with your loved ones. Go on walks when you can. Grounding meditations, especially in nature, will be crucial to you during this time of realignment and reconnection with yourself, your wants, and your needs.

Until next time,
Madame Felis
Moving Nyan Cat Gif

Dreaming in Faeces

1 June 2021

There’s something about the warmer months—about the way the Earth is constantly green and people shed clothes like layers of dead skin—that feels freeing and hopeful. Life feels a little less stressful, and those daunting goals we have for ourselves seem a tad easier to achieve. In the house of Madame Felis, hope and dreams seem to abound these days. Salem, my most rotund Little Oracle and the first to arrive at my stoop, continues to grow and regain use of his damaged paw (a feat we were uncertain he would be able to achieve). His poop is firm and formed—a pleasant change from the gritty, orange, and impossibly flattened serpentine droppings he was churning out like rancid butter a few weeks ago. I carefully observe him as he learns what it means to hop, to play, to interact with others of his species. As his mother, I was cautious to see him play with the other Little Oracles when they arrived, and I feared that my dreams for sweet Salem would never come to fruition. Yet as I watch him with his new siblings, I see my dreams unravel for him like colorful balls of yarn. Each string an infinity of possibility. His future as a Little Oracle is impossibly bright, and seeing his tremendous recovery has made me reflect on the necessity of hope in our daily lives.

Before I begin this reading, I call upon the spirits of the Ancient Egyptians—some of the oldest, most arcane worshippers of felines. I call upon Bastet, goddess of protection and pleasure, and the bringer of good health. And finally, I entreat our reigning Queen, Kitten Lady, for her deep wells of wisdom. Through energy work by proxy, I summon the vibrations around me and channel them to you. I pray for your Highest Good—for perfect peace, understanding, restoration, and intuition. While this reading is dated, I pray that it will remain timeless as the Spirits of the Old and New Gods continue to use it to speak truth into your life.

The Great Spirits I have called upon tell me that these three litterboxes are what you need to see today. Please scroll down for your reading.

Clear Litter Box with Three-Pronged Poop Outside of It
Messy Litter Box with One Pile of Poop Inside and a Gaping Hole in the Litter, and One Pile of Poop Outside the Box
Long Orange and Brown Swirled Poop on a Tissue
Photo Credit:Madame Felis

For your three litter cards, you have the Three of Turds, the Two of Panned, and the Reversed Marbled Snake. The Three of Turds outside of the litter box is an important indicator of choice and internal chaos. During this time of warmth and extended daylight hours, you may find yourself restless and more frantic about accomplishing your goals. Like a Little Oracle who is too excited to use the box, you may be skipping important steps or getting ahead of yourself. Remember: your dreams are possible, but you have to set realistic expectations for yourself and embrace the process. Losing sight of the journey makes the dream at the finish line a little less sweet. In addition, the three nodes on the singular log in the Three of Turds points to tremendous abundance in your life. The other two images tell me that you are in a place of transition right now, so it is possible that the abundance is on its way but not here yet. However, these next few months will be fruitful, joyful, and enriching for you, especially as you make plans and take steps to achieve your goals.

The Two of Panned, like the Three of Turds, indicates some chaos in your inner world right now. You may be frantic with ideas or busy tackling lots of interesting, exciting projects right now. This card is a Two of Panned though, and as you can see, there is an exposed portion. As you indulge these creative, intellectually stimulating pursuits, remember to have balance and take time for non-productive activities, like napping and mindlessness. Exuberant and hard-working, you have the capacity to overdo your work. It’s important right now to nurture this spark of inspiration but be careful of burning yourself out. Balance continues to be critical for you.

The Reversed Marbled Snake is an interesting card. For one, it’s older than the other ones: it depicts bottle baby (or very young Little Oracle) poop. And it has two distinct colors, intertwined and peacefully coexisting with each other. The orange color is from formula—something a nursing kitten exclusively eats. The brown poop is the color Little Oracle’s produce when they start transitioning to wet food (usually at around 4-5-weeks-old). They both represent distinct phases of childhood, but one is older and more developed than the other. The brown grounds the orange and emphasizes the value of independence, yet the orange is a reminder that being helpless and childlike can be necessary. For you, during this restless, creative time, it is important to acknowledge the dualities of your experience: the logical and the creative, the desire to produce and the desire to rest, the need to stand on your own and the need for others.

At the same time, it is worth noting that this marbled turdlet is in reverse, meaning that you may experience some regression during this time of change and transition. You may be at risk of skipping vital steps and picking up bad habits along the way if you rush too quickly to achieve your goals. Take extra caution to practice mindfulness during this time.

It is clear to me that these cards point to an exciting season for you. You will be challenged as you strive for your dreams, but the balancing forces in your life—which may be your own rationality or those in your support network—will help you stay grounded. I recommend daily meditations with amethyst to energize your Crown chakra and balance your Heart chakra.

Be well,
Madame Felis

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